My word processing app for writing, taking notes and organizing. I can sync it to my iPhone, iPad and laptop. It has so many features, which I'm just now learning how best to use. Its uses are so extensive, and there is an e-book available about the many applications for Evernote.
You Version Bible
There are many Bible apps but the one I find most useful is the You Version. It has multi translations available on and off line, with the choice of parallel versions on your screen. There are also options for taking notes, audio and commentaries. For more Bible study, I use the BibleStudytools.com app.
The best music app I recently discovered when I bought a home speaker and iPhone charger combo. I never used it much away from home. So now while I charge my phone, I use Pandora to access and play the music of my choice. Whatever mood I want to create, I just type in the artist, song or style of music and I enjoy the songs I choose or ones similar as long as I need. It's great for creating the atmosphere for writing or praying.
A great app for reading magazines, newspapers, blogs and Facebook. Better on my iPad than iPhone but the iPhone app makes reading web based material easier. Other similar apps include Zite and Pulse news.
Words With Friends
I don't play video or many other games, but I love this Scrabble alternative. I keep in touch with a lot of friends and actually communicate thru this word game. Challenge me to a game.
Camera Plus
Someone recommended this camera app and I love to use it to take pictures. You can edit your photos quickly and powerfully after taking them. I found that you often don't need to use a flash when taking the picture but have the option of adding the flash after the picture is taken. People often comment about my photos, how colorful and clear they are. All because of Camera+.
Web Albums
I use this for storing, organizing and accessing my photos. This syncs with my Picasa website where I store all my photos on line. So I can sort them and view them on all my devices.
Find iPhone
This is the least used but perhaps most valuable app. I've had to use it three times. Not long after I'd gotten the app, I dropped my iPhone at night when getting out of the car. I didn't realize I had lost it until I went to dinner that night. I had my iPad and used my find iPhone app which led me back to the parking lot. There it was lying on the parking lot next to where I'd parked!
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